October 19, 20015

I don’t know exactly where to begin.  Last Tuesday I was sitting and having lunch with my husband when he got called out for a brush fire (he is a volunteer firefighter in Bastrop County).  That small brush fire turned into the wildfire that has ravaged Bastrop County for the past 6 days.  We were evacuated from our home last Wednesday and although we do know that our home has not been destroyed we still have no power.  It has been such a crazy and hectic time with all of our pups, but we are all safe and “managing” the best we can.

I want to personally thank everyone for all the sweet notes, texts, calls, emails, etc….it has meant the world to us and kept us going.  Truly….I have had some very down days this last week and every time I heard from one of you it was like a breath of fresh air….we have felt so loved….

A special thanks to those of you who helped with our pups and “fostered” them for the past few days.  They are so disoriented right now and I know that little extra “TLC” is going a long way!

I have realized what an awesome community we have around us with our “pom” family.  Words cannot express how grateful I am for all of you….

As soon as power is restored we will be going home and I will get busy catching up with my emails, photos, etc.   Thanks so much for your patience through this whole ordeal.

On a sad note, we did lose all of Tiff’s babies.  She had three precious little ones just before the fire but they were very early and did not make it.  We aren’t quite sure what went wrong, but this has happened once before with her so we are keeping a close eye on her and we are going for a comprehensive check up soon.  She is doing fine now, but her hormones may be off.

Ziggy’s babies are adorable and getting bigger by the day….Ziggy has done great through this process….her babies were only 2 days old when we evacuated and she has not skipped a beat.  Will get new photos up this week.

Hope you all have fared better than we this past week, but we are so grateful to have a home to go back to and so sad to see the familes who have lost everything.  Bastrop is a resilient community and we will make it through this again!  🙂

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