March 31, 2013
Well I hope you have all enjoyed a beautiful Easter Day full of new thoughts, hopes and dreams….
Besides a day full of colorful eggs, Easter bunnies and pretty dresses I hope we have all reflected on the reason we celebrate such a special day. New life…a promise of redemption….so much hope, so much love….
We have been patiently waiting today for two of our moms to start labor, but as of this evening they are both just “chilling”. Jazzy is actually due today and Priscilla tomorrow, but just like us “ladies”….it never happens when you think it will. Both moms are very large and uncomfortable…remember those days??! I really think at least one will be tonight, but we will have to continue to be patient. Those babies know when the right moment has arrived, but I sure would like to speed things up! LOL Wouldn’t it be fun to have Easter babies. 🙂
So many of you are checking in, and I love it! Thanks so much for being so interested and caring. I will send out an email as soon as they arrive and are all here safely….
We are super excited and I know I am driving them crazy checking them so much, but I’m a nervous mom too!

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