Dog days of Summer…Again!

Living in Texas is awesome in so many ways, however, when August rolls around I always find myself thinking….”why do I live here again?”. The heat, mosquitoes, snakes, bugs, humidity…to name a few, are literally unbearable, but I know that in a short time Fall will roll around and we will walk outside one morning and feel the faintest amount of cool in the air, almost like a cool breeze from the ocean blowing on you and our hope is revived! ….we know that the relentless heat will be over soon. That is where I am today….looking at the forecast there is hope that I will feel that cool hint soon and the beginning of the best times in Texas will commence…..hang on to that hope folks if you live in Texas! 🙂

Our summer babies have left us and what an extraordinary group they were this year….some of the prettiest and cutest we have had. It was truly hard seeing them leave but what a joy watching the families they joined…..that is why I have continued in this business for over 20 years now….these adorable little creatures bring such love and joy to so many people….

Our ladies should be coming into season soon, so we hope to have some late Fall or early winter litters available soon. And my friend and co-breeder has a few she will be bringing shortly as well. Never a dull minute around here! 🙂

I hope you are all doing well and looking at life much as I look at the weather….full of hope and finding that “cool breeze” wherever you can.

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