March 4, 2013
It seems like just a weekend ago that I was putting up my Christmas decorations and now it is Spring! I just love this time of year. Everything is springing with new life and such beauty in every detail. Have you every picked a tiny little purple flower in the grass (the size of a BB) and really examined it?! The detail is magnificent and its glory goes so unnoticed…I hope I will always take time to relish in the small beauties around me. Life can tend to be so fast paced and hectic, sometimes we miss so many things.
The bees are coming out of the beehives in groves and searching for the ever present pollen and nectar and loading up their tiny bodies with goodies! It seems to me it would be like being pregnant with two babies….one on each thigh at full term and then deciding to take flight! How do they do it?!
The grass is growing at an unimaginable rate that I cannot keep up with, but the puppies love it! It is soft, and cool, and rustles in the breeze and I am finding them rolling and jumping and frolicing in it and having such fun….I almost hate to cut it! Well it gives me a good excuse to procrastinate anyway…LOL
We had SO many puppies just after Christmas this year but this Spring the “girls” are being a little nicer and spreading out the litters at a more normal pace. We have three little guys still available from current litters and we are so excited about some litters coming up in April. I will have several new mamas giving birth for the first time this year and we are so excited about the colors and coats from these new ones. I expect this nice Spring weather will bring on some new “courting” as well and maybe the beginnings of some summer litters…who knows?
We are all enjoying this gorgeous weather (sorry to all of you up North, but believe me you will be relaxing outdoors when we are collapsing inside this summer from the heat!) Spring has definitely “sprung” in Texas and we are truly delighting in the glory of nature as it unfolds. Happy Spring to you all!
Love is in the Air
February 6, 2013
What a gorgeous week this has been. So NOT what you would think of a typical week in February, but only in Texas will you have 80 degrees in February….
Unfortunately, everything thinks it is Spring. The butterflies are out, the bees have erupted from their hives frantically searching for food and we have actually been running the air conditioning! Nothing is ever predictable around here….
Our pups are loving this weather and the mood is high. The temperature is perfect….the breeze is so soft and cool, and what better weather to romp and play and expend some energy that has been mounting on those colder days?!
Lots of our babies are leaving this week and although we are sad to see them go, we are so blessed to have such wonderful families adopting our puppies.
They are ready for love and will bring so much joy to the families they are going to live with.
Love is in the air! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we have decided to do an experiment to see how much attention some of our web pages are getting. So……we are offering a $200 discount on our pups until Valentine’s Day next week. Perfect time to bring home a little bundle of love!
2012 “Out With a Bang”
December 21, 2012
2012 has been quite a year for us and we are going out with a bang! Several of our females came into season all together and we have a wonderful little safari of puppies. Mamas and babies are everywhere we look in our home! LOL
We must really love what we do!
This has been a wonderful year for new babies and meeting lots of new families and lifelong friends. We have been so blessed with the families who have adopted our babies and love hearing from so many of you as they grow and mature.
Our newest babies will be going home in 2013 around Valentines Day!
What a perfect time to fill your home with love….
I hope everyone is surviving the Christmas “rush” and taking time to enjoy the beauty of Christmas….
Blessings to all.
December 13, 2012
Many of you know that Texas has passed new laws this past year requiring breeders to become licensed by the State. As of today, I am now an official State Licensed Kennel in the state of Texas and have been inspected and approved by the State. Now I will have two inspectors coming to inspect me! The AKC and The State of Texas….whew!